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The Alchemy of Architecture The Alchemy of Architecture

by Ken and Duke Tate

Price: $7.99
Daily Ponderances Daily Ponderances

by Ken Slay

Price: $10.00
Our Little Adventure to the Farmers Market Our Little Adventure to the Farmers Market

by Tabitha Paige

September | Picture Book

Price: $11.95
Hunting Bear and Panther in the Old South James McCafferty Hunting Bear and Panther in the Old South

by James T. McCafferty

Price: $12.95
The Magic Castle: The Field Trip The Magic Castle: The Field Trip

by Barry Willis, II and Tasha Helm

Price: $12.99
The Best of Iggy The Best of Iggy

by Annie Barrows

February | Middle Grade

Price: $13.99
The Aether Chronicles: Rebellium by A.J. Wolfe The Aether Chronicles: Rebellium

by A.J. Wolfe

Price: $13.99
Paint Me! by Sarah Frances Hardy Paint Me!

by Sarah Frances Hardy

June 2014 | Picture Book

Price: $14.95
Friends of the Library Friends of the Library

by Susan Cushman

Price: $14.95
The Devil Plays Church League Basketball The Devil Plays Church League Basketball

by Kendall Smith

Price: $14.95
A Year Long Honeymoon by Karen Brown A Year Long Honeymoon

by Karen Brown

Price: $14.95
Redefining Manhood Redefining Manhood

by Jim Pathfinder Ewing

Price: $14.99
Sandy and Wayne Sandy and Wayne

by Steve Yates

Price: $14.99
Watermark Watermark

by Michael Hewes

Price: $14.99
The Yorkie Who Sings at Midnight by Janne Swearengen The Yorkie Who Sings at Midnight

by Janne Swearengen

Price: $14.99
One Person Holds So Much Silence One Person Holds So Much Silence

by David Greenspan

Price: $14.99
Milk Wagon by Michael Hewes Milk Wagon

by Michael Hewes

Price: $14.99
Carved in Ebony | Young Adult Edition Carved in Ebony | Young Adult Edition

by Jasmine Holmes

Price: $14.99