New York, NY: IVP Books (pub: April 10, 2018)
As new in dust jacket.
How do we understand the motivations and dynamics of the different personality types we see in our intimate partners, our friends, or in our professional lives? This book from Suzanne Stabile on the nine Enneagram types and how they experience relationships will guide readers into deeper insights about themselves, their types, and others’ personalities so that they can have loving, mature, and compassionate relationships.
Most of us have no idea how others see or process their experiences. And that can make relationships hard, whether with intimate partners, with friends, or in our professional lives. Understanding the motivations and dynamics of these different personality types can be the key that unlocks sometimes mystifying behavior in others—and in ourselves. This book from Suzanne Stabile on the nine Enneagram types and how they behave and experience relationships will guide readers into deeper insights about themselves, their types, and others’ personalities so that they can have healthier, more life-giving relationships. No one is better equipped than the coauthor of The Road Back to You to share the Enneagram’s wisdom on how relationships work—or don’t.
- Why do Sixes seem so intimidated and put off by Eights, who only wish the Sixes would stop mulling things over and take action?
- Why do Fives seem so unavailable, even to their closest family and friends, while Twos seem to feel everybody else’s feelings but their own and end up irritating people who don’t want their help?
- How in the world can Fours be so open and loving to you one day and restrained and distant other times?
The Enneagram not only answers these questions but gives us a way out of our usual finger pointing and judging of other people—and finding them wanting, perplexing, or impossible. Suzanne’s generous, sometimes humorous, and always insightful approach reveals why all the types behave as they do. This book offers help in fostering more loving, mature, and compassionate relationships with everyone in our lives.
SUZANNE STABILE is a highly sought-after speaker, teacher, and internationally recognized Enneagram master teacher, having conducted over five hundred workshops. She is the coauthor of the bestseller The Road Back to You and cocreator of the very popular Road Back to You podcast. Along with her husband, Rev. Joseph Stabile, she is cofounder of Life in the Trinity Ministry, a nonprofit, nondenominational ministry committed to the spiritual growth and formation of adults. They have many audio resources available, including The Enneagram Journey curriculum. Their ministry home, the Micah Center, is located in Dallas, Texas.
