London, UK: Ki An Projects (January 23, 2023)
First Edition.
New in decorated boards.
The American South is a collection of over 80 photographs, taken across the southern United States. A powerful story is shown through the faces and characters of the area.
“Like songs, or poems, these photos bring empathy, and give rise to hope, love, pride.
They are the work of a master, taken by one who truly sees, and then, with his art,
shows us. In Neilson Hubbard’s hand, the camera becomes a magic wand, a tool of
empathy, bringing us to feel the feeling of another.” Mary Gauthier
Authenticity is an overused word, but Neilson Hubbard embodies this in all of his art. In 2019, Hubbard produced the Grammy nominated ‘Rifles and Rosary Beads’ by Mary Gauthier. Hubbard’s production specialises in staying true to the song and he chooses a small ensemble of players that are as spontaneous and loyal to beauty and space as he is. Recently moving into photography and film, Hubbard directed the documentary and produced the soundtrack of ‘The Orphan Brigade: Soundtrack to a Ghost Story’, which won a number of awards and birthed the band ‘The Orphan Brigade’ (Hubbard, Joshua Britt and Ben Glover). With Joshua Britt, through their company, ‘Neighbourhoods Apart’, he directs and produces music videos and has worked with John Prine, Jason Isbell, Lucinda Williams, and The Killers; to name but a few. In 2022 they released the celebrated, ‘Big Old Goofy World, The Story of Oh Boy Records’ (John Prine’s label).
For his latest venture Hubbard explores the American South through a book of 83 photographs, capturing the stark and gorgeous reality of each subject, unadorned and genuine.
