Virginia Beach, Virginia. Koehler Books (June 8, 2021)
First Edition. Signed.
We first meet Susan Cushman's characters, John and Mary Margaret, in her short story collection, Friends of the Library. In her second novel and seventh book, Cushman fleshes out their stories, covering over fifty years of their lives in Mississippi and Memphis against the backdrop of the civil rights movement and continuing through current-day events.
John and Mary Margaret is an insider's look into the White-privilege bubble of a young girl growing up in Jackson, Mississippi, and participating in sorority life on the Ole Miss campus in the late 1960s. But it's also a candid portrayal of a young Black boy from Memphis who follows his dream to study law at the predominately White university. What happens when their shared love for literature blossoms into an ill-fated romance? Set squarely in the center of decades of historical events in Mississippi and Memphis, here their story brings those events to life.
Susan Cushman sets her second novel and seventh book in her home state of Mississippi and her current city, Memphis, where she has lived since 1988. She reads and writes in many genres, as is reflected in her published works: Friends of the Library (short stories, also from Koehler Books), Cherry Bomb (a novel), Tangles and Plaques: A Mother and Daughter Face Alzheimer's (a memoir), and three anthologies, A Second Blooming: Becoming the Women We Are Meant to Be, Southern Writers on Writing, and The Pulpwood Queens Celebrate 20 Years! A frequent director and speaker at numerous writing conferences, workshops, and literary festivals, Susan's latest adventure involves leading a monthly creative writing group with twenty residents of a senior living facility.
