Self Published (May 2021)
Paperback. Signed.
Grown@13 has thirteen chapters starting with the CEN of Life in chapter one that still needs new planters
like you. This book outlines how to make connections, achieve exchanges and completely design lasting
networks. The author wrote Grown@13 to help others see themselves as change agents to make better
worlds for future generations of young. Reflections at the end of each chapter challenge each reader to
see themselves using the power within for the called purpose in their life. This book identifies what has
been handed to you from your parents, mentors, teachers, or role-models is assigned for you - as a
committee of one to accomplish. Grown@13 has timeless principles to guide positive actions for all.
Shirley M. Harrington is a Mississippi native born in March 1950 to J B and Stella
Harrington in Yazoo County, MS. She was raised in Jackson and is a proud Jackson
Public Schools product of G. N. Smith Elementary, Sam Brinkley Jr. High and was
one of the first integrators to graduate from Provide High School in 1967. Shirley
at age 50 graduated with Honors from Lincoln University, PA with a Masters in
Human Services. As a contributing writer for Jackson Advocate Newspaper since
1970s, Harrington’s early writing include poetry, commentaries, and public
speeches. She has served in numerous positions for political, religious and social
action groups over six decades to include NAACP, General Missionary Baptist State
Convention, Blacks In Government, League of Women Voters, Congressional Black
Caucus, Parent Teachers Association, United Negro College Fund, YMCA, National
Organization of Women, National Council of Negro Women, National Democratic
Party, President of Atlanta Regional AFGE Local 3599 and National Secretary
Treasurer of AFGE National Council of Locals, and National Baptist Convention
USA, Inc. currently in the Faith-based Initiative Division. In 1980s, Harrington
served on Church Women United National Board of Directors as MS State
President and was a member of the CWU Editorial Board. Shirley Harrington was
the first Black hired in 1969 at the National Weather Service, Department of
Commerce in Jackson, MS. She worked in four federal agencies with 31 years
combined federal service. When she moved to Washington, DC in 1990s, Shirley
was sworn in as a presidential appointee with the William Jefferson Clinton
Administration and served seven years at the Department of Veterans Affairs and
worked on Al Gore’s Reinventing Government Taskforce team. Shirley was for
one year an Adjunct Professor at Catholic University where she designed and
taught the course, Public Policy in Human Services to undergraduate students. In
1994, she united at Matthews Memorial Baptist Church in DC working in Sunday
school, became trained and ordained as a minister. Since 2014 with moving back
home to Jackson after retirement from federal service, Rev. Shirley Harrington is
serving as Social Responsibility Ministry lead at Cade Chapel Baptist Missionary
Church. Enjoying her three children, ten grands and seven great-grands,
Harrington reflects on her written articles, plays, policy statements, federal
investigation reports, and sermons with now her first official autobiographical
work, GROWN@13.
